Product Description
Austrian Winter Peas are a cool season, annual legume that are fall seeded and used for grazing, hay, wildlife and as a green manure plowdown. They are a low growing, viney winter annual with light green stems, 2-4 feet long. They have hollow, slender and very palatable stems. Austrian Pea pods are 1 1/2-2 1/4″ long and the flowers are commonly a reddish-pink-violet color. Austrian Winter Peas seeds are larger than other species of pea seeds. Austrian Winter Peas are very palatable and offer high nutritive value. Austrian Winter Peas can produce 1-2 tons of dry matter and up to 80-100 units of N/Acre in a season.
Many wildlife enthusiasts plant Austrian Winter peas alone or with other fall seeded grains and brassicas to attract and feed deer.
Planting Rate: 8 lbs/acre